Dan Ukr Eng


Подробная информация о  № 14120001


Имя: Yaroslav
Фамилия: Shyianenko
Гражданство: Ukraine
Возраст: 35
Пол: Male
Иностранные языки и уровень (1-5):

English (4)


Предпочтительная сфера деятельности  (1, 2, 3...): Cattle (2)    Pigs (1)    Minks (3)    
Опыт работы с сельхозтехникой - тип, всего месяцев, уровень (1-5)

Milking machine - month (2)

Навыки вождения: I have a driving license category B

 Сельскохозяйственное учебное заведениеФакультетГод поступленияГод выпускаСпециальность
1.National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of UkraineVeterinary medicine20062012Veterinary medicine
2.Illintsi State Agrarian CollegeAnimal Production20142016Innovative Technologies of Animal Production

Опыт работы за границей и квалификация: No

Сельскохозяйственная практика в Украине:
 ГодВсего месяцевНазвание и род деятельностиОбязанности
1.20073smt.Nemishayeve, Kyiv region.Position: assistant veterinarianPrevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases common in pigs, cows, sheep and horses.
2.20083"Teaching and research farm Vorzel" Kyiv region.Position: assistant veterinarianTo make preventive measures, treat diseases that occur on farms, led by teachers castration of piglets,piglets pulling baby teeth.
3.20092"Velykosnitynske teaching and research farm them.OV Muzychenko" Kiev regionCarefor cows, control for insertion of antibacterials and vitaminpreparations.
4.200922Veterinary clinic of small animals "Alden vet".Position: assistant veterinarianSubcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous dogs, cats, ferret, rodents and exotic animals; formulation of intravenous catheter, infusion of drugs; blood samples for analysis; assisting in operations, ultrasonic and radiographic diagnosis.
5.201112Veterinary clinic of small animals "Alden vet".Position: veterinarianDiagnostics of small domestic and exotic animals, therapeutic manipulation, basic surgical manipulation and abdominal surgery.
6.20126"Subsistence farming Pd Sviato-Uspenskoyi Kievo-Pecherskoyi Lavry".Position: assistant veterinarianDiagnosis and treatment of cows: took blood for the study of infectious diseases, injections of antibiotics and vitamins,conducted surgical treatment of abscesses, preventive vaccination, treating mastitis; conducted disinfection, desinsection and worked on dairy machines.
7.201216Veterinary Center Dr. Kalmykov.Position: veterinarianDiagnostics of small domestic and exotic animals, therapeutic manipulation, did ultrasound and radiological diagnosis, abdominal and plastic surgery.

Семейное положение: Single
Дети: No
Рост, вес: 188 cm    85 kg
Курение: Never
Специальная диета: -
Проблемы со здоровьем: -
Немного обо мне:

My family consists of me, my mother and grandmother. My father died one year ago. My mother is a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature. I love them all.
I want to practice abroad, because I would like to see an interesting country for me, new people, learn about the mentality of the inhabitants of the country.


Мое хобби:

I love to help my mother with the housework and engage in work in the garden; also my hobby - it is a sport and interesting books.


Что я хотел бы изучить на практике за рубежом:

I would like to learn modern methods and technologies in animal husbandry practiced in of Denmark.


Мои мечты на будущее:

Feel part of other country.


Что я хотел бы сделать с деньгами, заработанными на практике:

I would spend it on my mom's treatment.



Hard-working, quickly except information, avoid conflicts, healthy and strong, communicative, punctual.


Дополнительные фото:#1   #2   


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